The Industry’s Favorite SEO Podcast
#EDGETALK : Managing Enterprise SEO Projects
While the vast majority of search engine optimization projects performed by search marketing agencies are for small and medium-sized businesses, SEO for large and complex organizations takes a unique combination of finesse and consideration.
We’re going to be talking about Enterprise SEO today – talking to one of our project managers and provide some lessons that you can use for your own SEO project.
ALSO: How do you optimize your site on Google if you have multiple locations? Has that been a question of yours? Well, we have the answers and a good conversation about Local SEO today.
Show News

Teens Embrace Voice Search, Many Adults Feel Like Geeks Using It
According to a recent study by Google, teenagers are obsessed with using voice search on their phone while 45% of adults say they feel “like a geek” talking to their phone. (Isn’t that what you do with your phone anyways?)
By: Greg Sterling
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Apple Built a Tool to Remove That U2 Album from Your iPhone
Last week, Apple announced that it was giving away U2’s latest album to all 500 million of its iTunes customers but now they have released a tool to allow you to remove the album from your account.
By: Alyssa Bereznak
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Bing Glitch Causes Either Just Ads Or Just Organic Listings To Display On Search Results
A recent glitch on Bing would either show only ads or the organic search results when you were searching. It is unclear how long this glitch lasted, but Bing fixed it quickly after this linked Search Engine Land article was posted.
By: Ginny Marvin
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