Facebook announced last week that they want to “provide transparency, choice, and accountability” within their Facebook ads – which have come under criticism of late with several instances of measurement errors within their ad reporting. Facebook is also committing to an audit by Media Rating Council to verify the accuracy of the ad measurement.

Over the course of the next year, Facebook will provide more detailed information on ad impressions for Facebook and Instagram. Plus, they will provide specific in-view and duration data for display ads, including:

– Milliseconds that an ad was on the screen
– Milliseconds that 50% of the ad was on the screen
– Milliseconds that 100% of the ad was on the screen

New Buying Options For Video

Later this year, advertisers will have more choices when it comes to ad options within Facebook and Instagram. Those options are:

Completed-View Buying: Advertisers only pay for the ad that has been viewed in their entirety (any duration up to 10 seconds)
Two-Second Buying: Advertisers pay when 50% of an ad’s pixels are in-view for two continuous seconds or longer (which is an MRC Video Standard)
Sound-On Buying: Advertisers will have the ability to buy sound-on ads