LinkedIn has launched a redesign of their website to provide a consistent user experience for users that have with the mobile app, according to the announcement on their blog.

What’s New?

Navigation – There is a new menu structure from what users are used to. The new navigation has seven core sections that include Home, Messaging, Jobs, Notification, Me, My Network, and Search.

Messaging – A new real-time messaging tool will let you chat with your connections – similar functionality to what Facebook’s Messenger App does.

Feed – LinkedIn has changed up the news feed to populate with the most relevant content from connections and publishers. (I’m assuming this is where you’ll see an increase in ads.)

Search – An improved search functionality will allow users to find jobs, companies, people, groups, and schools. Users will also be able to filter their searches too.

Content Metrics – Users will now have greater insights into who is engaging with their content

Improved Profiles – LinkedIn has improved the profile layout and given users more suggestions to look at how to improve their profile

What do you think of the new layout? Let us know in the comments below!