You know, this show started over five years ago with a mission to educate our audience on the different areas of digital marketing and our sweet spot has always been SEO. That where Site Strategics started – by debunking SEO myths and speaking with leaders in search and the SEO field.
We have a very special show today – we are talking to John Mueller, a Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google. It’s not often that we get Google on the horn so we are especially excited for this show!
John Mueller works with the Webmaster Central, Sitemaps and Search Quality teams at Google to make sure information flows freely between webmasters and engineers at Google. He is based in Zurich, Switzerland and is known for his regular Google Webmaster Hangouts – where he takes live Q&A from webmasters and SEOs.
Join us on our conversation with John Mueller as we dive deep into some SEO topics…today on the EDGE!
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