The Industry’s Favorite SEO Podcast
#EDGETALK : Register for the 2016 CTA Conference in Vancouver!
This is the show that is consistently bringing you digital marketing thought leaders and cutting edge technology and strategy. So in that vein, it was bound to happen. We got a hold of the co-founder of Unbounce, Oli Gardner. We’re going to get deep on some landing page concepts. The do’s and don’ts of great landing pages as well as great conversion tips.
This guy lives and breathes landing pages and we’re honored to have him on the show. So sit back, tuck your feet in and close your eyes as we drift off into deep landing page dreams. A great interview is in store! Today on the EDGE!
Show News

Own a business? Instagram just launched new tools to help you reach customers
Instagram has announced some new tools that will help business owners with their new business account pages.
By: Daven Mathies
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Facebook’s new DeepText AI categorizes everything you write
Facebook will start to begin adding ads in their platform based on what your write in your status, messenger, etc. that is called “DeepText”.
By: Josh Constine
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Google says page speed ranking factor to use mobile page speed for mobile sites in upcoming months
Google said that in the near future, the speed of your mobile website will affect your rankings. Currently, it does not.
By: Barry Schwartz
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