If you have been watching your site’s performance on search engines over the last few years, you most likely have been paying attention to one thing in particular – the rank of your site on terms that you deem as the most important to you.
#EDGETALK : Goodbye Keyword Ranking Reports! (Thanks Google Pigeon!)
If you have been watching your site’s performance on search engines over the last few years, you most likely have been paying attention to one thing in particular – the rank of your site on terms that you deem as the most important to you.
Makes sense, you’d be able to see as ranks go up, you should have more business. Well, it really shouldn’t have been what we were looking at – but more importantly now. Everything has changed, and you can really track it effectively.
We have five points that you should be tracking for your local SEO – Focus on these instead of ranks.
ALSO: Another great interview with Lorraine Ball of Roundpeg, about user generated content.
Google Analytics Begins to Roll Out New Benchmark Reports
According to a recent announcement by Google, users of Google Analytics will be able to select reports from 1,600 industry categories, 1,250 markets and seven size buckets, with metrics by channel, location, or device category dimensions. The heat map functionality will also be available in the new benchmark reporting.
Google Penguin 3.0 Likely in 2014, says John Mueller
Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller says that the long-awaited Google Penguin update refresh should be launched in 2014. In a Google Hangout on September 8th, Mueller said that Google is working on an update and also working on a solution so that the update will refresh sooner.
Bing: 130 Millions URLs Removed For URL Keyword Stuffing
Bing recently posted the details around how they detect and filter spammers that use keywords in urls and also rolled out an update that impacted three percent of search queries and about five million websites.