The Industry’s Favorite SEO Podcast

#EDGETALK : Content Mapping, What Is It?

It happens every time. The first 3 to 6 months (longer if the website is very large and complex) of any SEO effort is almost always exclusively dedicated to fixing mistakes, improving existing issues, tweaking and tuning the sub-optimal, and generally closing the gap between what exists now and current best practices.

The newly accessible and optimized pages start earning rankings and traffic, which earn more links…content starts working through the system, and all of the initial checklist items get, well….checked.

No more low-hanging, executable action items are easy to see. Then the client begins wondering – “What are you going to do now?”

Well, what is next? What’s left in the SEO bag? Haven’t you done everything? Oh no no no…that’s the first stage – Now we go into SEO GROWTH MODE : Find out what is TODAY ON THE EDGE!

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