The Industry’s Favorite SEO Podcast
#EDGETALK : Brad Geddes – Co-Founder AdAlysis
Google wants to spend your money, and if you want to let them run without a dialed in targeting system, you’ll be frittering it away very quickly.
They’re always lessons to be learned, and it is great to have a seasoned professional in PPC management on the show.
Take notes and listen carefully as we open another chapter on search engine marketing tactics. We’re talking to Brad Geddes on paid search today!
Spend wisely! Your client’s money and your time – TODAY ON THE EDGE!
Show News

Google is adding new ways to track you for ads, but it’s letting you call the shots
Google has announced a new way users will have to "opt-in" to see their ads. Google's "My Activity" will let you see your searches, videos, web history, Android activity, etc.
By: Mark Bergen
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New Study Reveals Top Local SEO Ranking Factors for 2016
A new study conducted by Local SEO Guide and the University of California Irvine reveal new information about the factors behind Google My Business.
By: Matt Southern
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Facebook adjusts News Feed to favor friends and family over publishers
Facebook is adjusting its algorithm that runs the news feed to promote posts from individual’s family and friends over the brand posts.
By: Casey Newton
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