Can you really consider yourself a digital marketer if you don’t know Gary Illyes? EDGE of the Web had the absolute honor to have the one and only Gary as this week’s featured guest on episode 362! For those that don’t know Gary, he is a Webmaster Trends Analyst but according to his Twitter bio, he’s also the House Elf and Chief of Sunshine and Happiness at Google. He has a difficult job to communicate about search with the world and the updates from constant Google algorithm updates. Tune in to this week’s episode to deep dive into how algorithm updates work and the heat that Gary takes from the public when these algorithms are rolled out!
Key topics discussed during the show:
- Breaking down Webmaster Trends Analyst position at Google
- How the Google team takes the heat from the public
- Changes in search since COVID19 hit
- New SERP elements
- Explanation of the recent problem with Google