EDGE of the Web is a weekly, hour-long SEO and Digital Marketing podcast hosted by Erin Sparks from Site Strategics.


EDGE of the WEB: The Best SEO Podcast for Today’s Digital Marketers

Erin Sparks, Host of EDGE of the Web, talking into RE20 Microphone

EDGE of the Web is a weekly marketing podcast discussing all things in digital marketing: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media, Content Marketing, and more. Host Erin Sparks of Site Strategics discusses the latest news and trends in the digital marketing industry as well as interviews with some of the top names in marketing.

The EDGE connects with the top digital marketing guests from around the planet and gives our audience access to digital marketing best practices on how to improve their SERPs. Developing website traffic is not the only benefit that our show offers, but opens up a world of analysis on online marketing tactics that are trending in the space.

Our podcast has a core focus on SEO but also covers such topics as social media marketing, content marketing, and overall online marketing tactics to deliver to the new media audience mediums.

Subscribe to our show on all the major podcast listening platforms such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartMedia, PlayerFM, Spreaker, etc.  If we’re not on a platform that you listen to, let us know and we’ll get it to you! Check out the podcast platform list to the right for a full list of our destinations.

Catch the EDGE on these Podcast Platforms:

Special thanks to our Sponsors:

Site Strategics EDGE of the Web sponsor
Wix Logo
Inlinks EDGE of the Web Sponsor

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1602, 2016
  • Building Authority with Inbound Links - edge of the web radio show

Building Authority with Inbound Links – Show 165

The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Earning Links in 2016 Anyone involved in Internet Marketing, whether as an affiliate, small business, sizable corporation, or personal brand, knows that nearly every day there is someone trying to give you more [...]

902, 2016

Interview with Susan Marshall of Torchlite – Show 164

The Industry's Favorite SEO Radio Podcast #EDGETALK : Interviewing Susan Marshall of Torchlite Okay, HIRE SOMEBODY! Is the concept of hiring an individual digital marketer for your company a scary concept? Do they have the right talents, that are market-fresh, [...]

202, 2016
  • an illustration of a 404 error

Preventing UX Fails With Smart Design – Show 163

SEO Radio Podcast #EDGETALK : Preventing UX Fails With Smart Design User experience is becoming a more important feature of Google's search algorithm but also how you can capture leads on your website. We discuss how you can prevent UX [...]

2601, 2016
  • Stock image of an office

Designing Websites With a Purpose – Show 162

The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : How To Create Highly-Effective Calls To Action When designing a website we run the risk of becoming overly familiar with our work, designing for ourselves, and losing perspective of what our users see [...]

1901, 2016
  • An invisible man

Why The Best Website Design is Invisible – Show 161

The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Show 161 - 12 Sign of a Website Catastrophe The Edge is back for a new year! We're so happy to be back! We are continuing this month on the focus of website [...]

1201, 2016
  • how to improve user experience on your website - edge of the web radio

How To Improve User Experience – Show 160

The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Improving User Experience On Your Website The Edge is back for a new year! We're so happy to be back! We took a break to gear into the new year, to focus on [...]

501, 2016
  • A Google glass

Digital Marketing Trends for 2016 – Show 159

The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Digital Marketing Trends for 2016 Welcome back to Edge for the final show of 2015! We certainly have had a busy year, and we wanted to take time in this how to peer [...]

2212, 2015
  • The Pack the Pantries logo in front of a food pantry

Interview with Pack The Pantries – Show 158

SEO Radio Podcast #EDGETALK : Pack The Pantries We, at Site Strategics, have had a great opportunity to work with the Indianapolis mayor’s Front Porch Alliance and business partners here in the Indianapolis area to promote Mayor Greg Ballard’s Pack [...]

812, 2015
  • IAPSS - Discussing Education with Indiana Superintendents - edge of the web radio show

IAPSS – Discussing Education with Indiana Superintendents – Show 157

The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Reputation Management There's an event happening this month that is a great forum for discussions about the public education topics in the state of Indiana and who is contributing to the successes the [...]