EDGE of the WEB: The Best SEO Podcast for Today’s Digital Marketers
EDGE of the Web is a weekly marketing podcast discussing all things in digital marketing: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media, Content Marketing, and more. Host Erin Sparks of Site Strategics discusses the latest news and trends in the digital marketing industry as well as interviews with some of the top names in marketing.
The EDGE connects with the top digital marketing guests from around the planet and gives our audience access to digital marketing best practices on how to improve their SERPs. Developing website traffic is not the only benefit that our show offers, but opens up a world of analysis on online marketing tactics that are trending in the space.
Our podcast has a core focus on SEO but also covers such topics as social media marketing, content marketing, and overall online marketing tactics to deliver to the new media audience mediums.
Subscribe to our show on all the major podcast listening platforms such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartMedia, PlayerFM, Spreaker, etc. If we’re not on a platform that you listen to, let us know and we’ll get it to you! Check out the podcast platform list to the right for a full list of our destinations.
Catch the EDGE on these Podcast Platforms:

Rook Security on Social Account Hacking – Show 120
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : How to Protect Your Website and Social Media Accounts From Being Hacked There's certainly talk now of online security. There are reports of hacking of Sony by reportedly North Korea, as well as [...]
How To Create Scannable Content For Your Website – Show 119
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Formatting SEO and User-Friendly Content Jumping into a new year obviously comes with the goal of doing some things differently - and that applies to your marketing as well! Let me ask you [...]
2014 in Review, 2015 Forecasts – Show 117
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : What do you think will happen in 2015? Well, we're wrapping up our year of inbound marketing concepts for 2014 and we are about to dive into our predictions for 2015. What is [...]
7 Deadly Web Design Sins – Show 116
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Are You Making These Seven Web Design Sins? People have different ideas about what makes really good web design. Some think that a website needs to be super-sleek with and up-to-date, modern design [...]
How To Change Domains After Google Penguin Penalty – Show 115
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : When You Should Kill Your Domain After a Google Penalty So, it has come down to this. Your website was hit with a Google penalty, and you are seeing no improvement from the [...]
Interview with Quinn Buckner At Fail Fest 2014 – Show 114
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Fail Fest 2014 at Launch Fishers - Interviews with Gerry Dick, Quinn Buckner, Scott Fadness, Scott Hill, and Tiffany Sauder We have been talking to some of the brightest talents in the state [...]
Interviews with John Nottingham, Angie Hicks, and Wayne Eckerle – Show 113
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Forbes Innovation Summit - Interviews with John Nottingham, Angie Hicks, and Wayne Eckerle We have been talking to some of the brightest talents in the state and the country over the last two [...]
Interview with Governor Mike Pence and Steve Forbes – Show 112
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Forbes Innovation Summit - Interviews with Governor Mike Pence / Steve Forbes Have you ever wanted to know how Indiana is doing in attracting new tech business and innovation? Well, we found out [...]