Google is constantly coming out with small and core algorithm updates, forcing digital marketers to continuously work on providing top-notch content that develops expertise, authoritativeness, and trust! So what exactly is Google E-A-Ting? Find out everything you need to know from Marie Haynes, Owner of Marie Haynes Consulting Inc., who has been completely obsessed with understanding Google Algorithms! You won’t find someone who knows more about Google’s E-A-T standards and algorithm updates, so tune in to episode 324 of the EDGE of the Web podcast to get the inside scoop on what Google is E-A-Ting!
September 6, 2019
EP 324: What is Google E-A-Ting? – Interview with Marie Haynes

Show Reference Links
Guest Twitter: @Marie_Haynes
Guest Facebook: @MarieHaynesConsultingInc
Guest LinkedIn: Marie Haynes
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