EDGE of the Web is a weekly, hour-long SEO and Digital Marketing podcast hosted by Erin Sparks from Site Strategics.


435 | Pivoting Clients Towards Their Evolving Customer Personas with Garrett Sussman

By |July 19th, 2021|Interview, podcast|

[00:04:59] Garret’s experience in mining subject matter knowledge from clients to flesh out the Buyer’s Journey [00:06:50] The changing user behavior and subsequent content needs [00:09:36] Leveraging an event to pivot a hard-headed client’s understanding of their consumer’s content needs [00:11:07] Areas to avoid for first-time clients doing the User [...]

433 | The Agency/Client Relationship with Garrett Sussman

By |July 12th, 2021|Interview, podcast|

What is your Client’s Love Language? [00:03:43] 100 podcast episodes in a year!  How did Garrett stay sane through that? [00:06:00] Garrett’s history - coming from teaching to the start-up culture. [00:09:14] Hiring internal SEOs.  The challenges of the industry [00:11:12] The evolving nature of the target: Google.  A completely [...]