EDGE of the Web is a weekly, hour-long SEO and Digital Marketing podcast hosted by Erin Sparks from Site Strategics.



  • Show 197: The Value of Visual Communication, featuring Amy Balliett

EP 197: The Value of Visual Communication w/Amy Balliett

By |October 20th, 2016|podcast|

In a recent Moz webinar, Amy Balliett, CEO of Killer Infographics described "Visual Communication" as: graphically represents information to efficiently and effectively create meaning - & when necessary, a limited text is included to explicate the meaning. There is no doubt that visual communication is a powerful tool for marketers [...]

  • Douglas Karr

Douglas Karr on Infographics | Local Links for Local Search – Show 12

By |August 4th, 2012|podcast|

The Industry's Favorite SEO and Digital Marketing Podcast Do you struggle with blogging for your business website? Well, we decided to ask Douglas Karr to join the show to talk about the importance of blogging and infographics for your internet marketing efforts. Douglas Karr is the founder of DK New [...]

  • A person using a tablet

Interactions & Infographics | Our Top 10 Landing Page Tweaks

By |July 7th, 2012|podcast|

The Industry's Favorite SEO and Digital Marketing Podcast Have your created an infographic for your blog? Do you know what an infographic is? We go through the basics of infographics and tell you how they can help you get links to your blog. Listen to the podcast below or watch [...]