EDGE of the Web is a weekly, hour-long SEO and Digital Marketing podcast hosted by Erin Sparks from Site Strategics.


Tom Brodbeck

  • Show 198: Social media ads, featuring Ian Mackie

EP 198: Social Media Ads w/Ian Mackie

By |October 28th, 2016|Interviews, podcast|

Ian Mackie, the Director of Social Advertising at Point It, joins us on the show this week to discuss the importance of Social Media Ads for your marketing campaign. Some of the topics we cover with Ian are: Why are other social media networks so far behind Facebook in social [...]

  • Show 197: The Value of Visual Communication, featuring Amy Balliett

EP 197: The Value of Visual Communication w/Amy Balliett

By |October 20th, 2016|podcast|

In a recent Moz webinar, Amy Balliett, CEO of Killer Infographics described "Visual Communication" as: graphically represents information to efficiently and effectively create meaning - & when necessary, a limited text is included to explicate the meaning. There is no doubt that visual communication is a powerful tool for marketers [...]

  • Show 196: Google Penguin 4.0, MOZ Layoffs, & Running a SAAS, featuring Rand Fishkin

EP 196: Rand Fishkin Interview – Penguin 4.0, Moz Layoffs, & Running a SaaS

By |October 11th, 2016|Interviews, podcast|

What a trip is has been! We started this journey over four years ago, recording in a small radio station here in Indianapolis, and leveling up, over time. There's been a lot of episodes, and huge amount of work for this shop of ours, and today we celebrate a big [...]