Giphy is a database and search engine that allows users to search for and share animated GIF files. By using keywords, users can search the content on to find all GIF files in Giphy’s internal archive associated with a specific tag. Founded by Alex Chung and Jace Cooke, Giphy launched out of betaworks in February 2013. On August 29, 2013, Giphy released a solution that allowed Facebook users to embed GIFs sourced from Giphy to their Facebook feeds. A few months later on November 14, 2013, Giphy announced that it had also integrated with Twitter’s Media Cards which made it possible for GIF files from Giphy to be supported by Twitter as well. Since their initial launch, Giphy has also started to partner with brands to host GIFs that can be shared as marketing promotions via social media channels. In addition, they have created artist profiles on the site which allow GIFs to be attributed to the artist who created them. Giphy was recognized in 2013 as a Top 100 Website of 2013 according to PC Magazine.