AI training AI…..what could go wrong?
Jacob’s off this week, and the two annoying ones go at it… the News from the EDGE, of course! We take on AI warnings from Gary Illyes, and news from Google about things new and gone……And to tie this all up in a bow, we cover the fact that a study shows that developers who are TRAINING AI are actually cheating and using AI to train AI. Yeah – that’s happening. Nothing could go wrong there
Giving the news from the upcoming Skynet, for the end of June 2023.
News from the EDGE:
- [00:05:29] There’s something new in Google Search Console
- [00:09:55]
- [00:10:26] There’s something gone from GA4
- [00:13:46] And YouTube says – “No More Confusion” from Fan Accounts
- [00:16:02]
AI Blitz:
- [00:17:05] Google’s Gary Illyes: Don’t Use AI & LLMs To Diagnose SEO Issues
- [00:20:00] AI Topics From Google Search Central Live Tokyo
- [00:22:46] Study shows developers training AI are using AI
AI Tools:
- [00:25:22] 5 Useful ChatGPT Plugins
- [00:27:20] Automatically Generate FAQ content
- [00:29:08] Turn Your Data into Meaningful Narrative
Barry Blast from Search Engine Roundtable:
- [00:30:37] Google Search Ranking Volatility Exploding Today – Where Is The Confirmed Algorithm Update?
- [00:32:21] Google: Launching A New Domain Before Migrating Content To It Reduces Some Risk
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