EDGE of the Web is a weekly, hour-long SEO and Digital Marketing podcast hosted by Erin Sparks from Site Strategics.


EDGE of the WEB: The Best SEO Podcast for Today’s Digital Marketers

Erin Sparks, Host of EDGE of the Web, talking into RE20 Microphone

EDGE of the Web is a weekly marketing podcast discussing all things in digital marketing: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media, Content Marketing, and more. Host Erin Sparks of Site Strategics discusses the latest news and trends in the digital marketing industry as well as interviews with some of the top names in marketing.

The EDGE connects with the top digital marketing guests from around the planet and gives our audience access to digital marketing best practices on how to improve their SERPs. Developing website traffic is not the only benefit that our show offers, but opens up a world of analysis on online marketing tactics that are trending in the space.

Our podcast has a core focus on SEO but also covers such topics as social media marketing, content marketing, and overall online marketing tactics to deliver to the new media audience mediums.

Subscribe to our show on all the major podcast listening platforms such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartMedia, PlayerFM, Spreaker, etc.  If we’re not on a platform that you listen to, let us know and we’ll get it to you! Check out the podcast platform list to the right for a full list of our destinations.

Catch the EDGE on these Podcast Platforms:

Special thanks to our Sponsors:

Site Strategics EDGE of the Web sponsor
Wix Logo
Inlinks EDGE of the Web Sponsor

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1004, 2019
  • Machine Learning with Britney Muller

EP 309: How to Use Machine Learning for SEO w/Britney Muller

What if we could automate and use machines from some of the most mundane SEO tasks and free up our time for more strategy? Well, it is possible and we'll find out how machine learning can make our lives a [...]

804, 2019
  • Show 308: How to use data analysis for SEO, featuring JR Oakes

EP 308: How to Use Data Analysis for SEO w/JR Oakes

JR Oakes is the Senior Director of Technical SEO Research at Adapt Partners and he shares a lot of great information on Twitter and GitHub about how to use Data Analysis for SEO. What is Data Analysis? According to the [...]

2603, 2019
  • Joel Klettke on Case Studies

EP 307: How to Create Effective Case Studies w/Joel Klettke

Writing case studies are hard to do well. They take a lot of time, you have to interview clients and if you don't do it right, you've completely wasted everyone's time. What's the right way to write a case study [...]

1503, 2019
  • Show 306: The Role of Machine Learning and AI in PPC, featuring Brad Geddes

EP 306: The Role of Machine Learning and AI in PPC w/Brad Geddes

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are going to continue to dominate the conversation in the PPC industry this year. What are the best ways to use Machine Learning and AI and what skills do you need to have to be [...]

1203, 2019
  • Show 305: Bridging the Gap Between Content Creation and Marketing Strategy, featuring Erin Acheson

EP 305: Bridging the Gap Between Content Creation & Marketing Strategy w/Erin Acheson

From a young age, we are taught to share. Sharing is important and sharing is caring. But, when it comes to our professional lives, teams within an organization are unwilling to share data with other departments that could be very [...]

503, 2019
  • Show 304: The Marketing Rebellion is here, featuring Mark Schaefer

EP 304: The Marketing Rebellion is Here w/Mark Schaefer

The fields of marketing, advertising, and PR are constantly changing. Past strategies no longer work as technology is racing ahead of us, customers are buying based on personal values, and trust in brands is at a 10-year low. We've been [...]

2802, 2019
  • Show 303: Moz's Domain Authority 2.0, featuring Russ Drones

EP 303: Moz’s Domain Authority 2.0 w/Russ Jones

In case you missed our last episode, Moz has recently announced that they are changing the way Domain Authority will be scored beginning on March 5. Russ Jones, the Principal Search Scientist at Moz, joins us on this special bonus [...]

1902, 2019
  • Show 302: Learning From Google's Quality Rater Guidelines, featuting Marie Haynes

EP 302: Learning from Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines w/Marie Haynes

Last year, Google updated its Quality Rater Guidelines - what changed and what lessons are there to learn from this update? Marie Haynes, the owner of Marie Haynes Consulting, Inc., joins us on the show this week as she and [...]

1202, 2019
  • Show 301: What's Driving the growth of Marketing Technology?, featuring Scott Brinker

EP 301: What’s Driving the Growth of Marketing Technology? w/Scott Brinker

There's one thing that is for certain in the marketing technology industry - change. Rather than slowing down, several big changes are accelerating across the industry but what is driving this change? Will it slow down or continue to accelerate? [...]