EDGE of the WEB: The Best SEO Podcast for Today’s Digital Marketers
EDGE of the Web is a weekly marketing podcast discussing all things in digital marketing: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media, Content Marketing, and more. Host Erin Sparks of Site Strategics discusses the latest news and trends in the digital marketing industry as well as interviews with some of the top names in marketing.
The EDGE connects with the top digital marketing guests from around the planet and gives our audience access to digital marketing best practices on how to improve their SERPs. Developing website traffic is not the only benefit that our show offers, but opens up a world of analysis on online marketing tactics that are trending in the space.
Our podcast has a core focus on SEO but also covers such topics as social media marketing, content marketing, and overall online marketing tactics to deliver to the new media audience mediums.
Subscribe to our show on all the major podcast listening platforms such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartMedia, PlayerFM, Spreaker, etc. If we’re not on a platform that you listen to, let us know and we’ll get it to you! Check out the podcast platform list to the right for a full list of our destinations.
Catch the EDGE on these Podcast Platforms:

Google Reveals Search Quality Guidelines – Show 156
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Reputation Management Last week, Google dropped a bomb on us. They released the full version of their Search Quality Guidelines. This 160-page PDF contains all the guidelines Google's evaluators use to "assess the [...]
Reverse SEO and Reputation Management – Show 155
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Reputation Management You won't really know when one of your employees or high-level staff will do something stupid. You won't really know if or when your product will fail. You won't really know [...]
Display Ads Success – Show 154
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : SEO Fundamentals Hey, you know those creepy little ads that follow you around after you visit a website? You know how we wish you knew how they did that, and whether it's effective? [...]
Google Conspiracy Theories – Show 153
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : SEO Fundamentals Time to break out your tin foil hat? We are going over the elements of truth in the ideas SEO pros talk about in their most paranoid moments about Google today, [...]
Never Hire an In-House SEO – Show 152
SEO Radio Podcast #EDGETALK : SEO Fundamentals Hiring decisions are always tough. Making hiring decisions about a search engine optimization professional for your organization are especially challenging. Have you thought about it? Why should I hire an agency, when I [...]
After Optimizing Your Website, What’s Next? – Show 151
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Content Mapping, What Is It? It happens every time. The first 3 to 6 months (longer if the website is very large and complex) of any SEO effort is almost always exclusively dedicated [...]
Gini Dietrich on Social Media Policies – Show 150
SEO Radio Podcast #EDGETALK : Social Media Policies & Omnichannel What happens to the brand of a company, particularly its brand in social media, when an employee goes rogue and starts harming the company with something that they say or [...]
Why Low Internet Marketing Budgets Fail – Show 149
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : How Much Should You Spend On Internet Marketing? If a company invests under $1,000 per month on internet marketing and expects meaningful results, it will be sorely disappointed. Guaranteed. Low budget internet marketing [...]
Is ROI Really What You Are Looking For? – Show 148
The Industry's Favorite SEO Podcast #EDGETALK : Is ROI Really What You Are Looking For? There's a lot of talk about return on investment as a marketing metric...but ROI is inherently flawed for campaign-based marketing. A new look at ROI [...]