EDGE of the WEB: The Best SEO Podcast for Today’s Digital Marketers
EDGE of the Web is a weekly marketing podcast discussing all things in digital marketing: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media, Content Marketing, and more. Host Erin Sparks of Site Strategics discusses the latest news and trends in the digital marketing industry as well as interviews with some of the top names in marketing.
The EDGE connects with the top digital marketing guests from around the planet and gives our audience access to digital marketing best practices on how to improve their SERPs. Developing website traffic is not the only benefit that our show offers, but opens up a world of analysis on online marketing tactics that are trending in the space.
Our podcast has a core focus on SEO but also covers such topics as social media marketing, content marketing, and overall online marketing tactics to deliver to the new media audience mediums.
Subscribe to our show on all the major podcast listening platforms such as iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, iHeartMedia, PlayerFM, Spreaker, etc. If we’re not on a platform that you listen to, let us know and we’ll get it to you! Check out the podcast platform list to the right for a full list of our destinations.
Catch the EDGE on these Podcast Platforms:

EP 201: In-House SEO vs. Agency SEO w/Jason White
Jason White, the current Director of SEO at Hertz (and former VP of SEO and SMM at DragonSearch), joined us this week for our 201st episode of Edge of the Web. Jason started his new job with Hertz within the [...]
EP 200: Steaks, Spirits, & SEO
Edge of the Web started on the local airwaves in Indianapolis on February 4, 2012. We've come a long way in the 4+ years and are now broadcasting in our own studio! And nothing goes better with your 200th episode [...]
EP 199: Finding the Why in Your Digital Marketing w/Steve Hammer
As digital marketers, do you know when your message isn't hitting the mark? Or more importantly, why? Solving the "what" the customer is looking for is not the equation, but the "why" they are looking for should be the goal [...]
EP 198: Social Media Ads w/Ian Mackie
Ian Mackie, the Director of Social Advertising at Point It, joins us on the show this week to discuss the importance of Social Media Ads for your marketing campaign. Some of the topics we cover with Ian are: Why are [...]
EP 197: The Value of Visual Communication w/Amy Balliett
In a recent Moz webinar, Amy Balliett, CEO of Killer Infographics described "Visual Communication" as: graphically represents information to efficiently and effectively create meaning - & when necessary, a limited text is included to explicate the meaning. There is no [...]
EP 196: Rand Fishkin Interview – Penguin 4.0, Moz Layoffs, & Running a SaaS
What a trip is has been! We started this journey over four years ago, recording in a small radio station here in Indianapolis, and leveling up, over time. There's been a lot of episodes, and huge amount of work for [...]
EP 195: Google Tag Manager Hacks w/Steve Guberman
Steve Guberman, Director of Search Marketing of GolfNow.com, dives deep into Google Tag Manager with the EdgeTalk crew this week. Most search marketers are familiar with the Google Tag Manager tool, but how well do you know what all it [...]
EP 194: Retail eCommerce PPC Strategies w/ Luca Senatore
Luca Senatore, Director of Strategy at Genie Goals, joined us from Cambridge, United Kingdom this week! We were very excited to talk to Luca and get some of his thoughts and tips on paid search marketing for retail eCommerce websites. [...]
EP 193: Combining SEO & PR – Learning From Failed Pitches w/Cosette Jarrett
There is a constant struggle in marketing with outreach and marketing. The evolution of what works, what is sincere and authoritative, how it benefits a brand short term and long term...these are issues that can define successful campaigns from failures. [...]